Leroy de Böck is a performer and dancer with a passion for the French language. As a young actor he participated in several theatre productions by AchterdebergProducties and DEGASTEN. In 2019, he performed in Museum of Stillness, part of the annual festival Culturanova, with choreographer Eric Minh Cuong Castaing (Shonen) and director Lieke Benders (Hogefronten). Since 2017, Leroy participates in the Sightless Seeing performance series by Sarah van Lamsweerde: Sightless Seeing #2: Tessels Oogh (2017), Sightless Seeing #3: inside A&A (2018), Sightless Seeing #4: Acquisitions (2021), and Sightless Seeing #5: Rehearsing the Archive, Marble Hall, and TIN Collections (2020 -2021).
Recensie Sightless Seeing #4: Acquisitions
Recensie Sightless Seeing #4: Acquisitions